Voice Actor: Caitlin Glass
Age: Same age as Edward

Beautiful, energetic Winry has been a friend to the Elric brothers since childhood. In fact, the two boys would fight over who would marry the pretty little friend.

Winry's parents were doctors who were killed in the war. (See Colonel Mustang's character summary for more details on their death.) After they died, she was raised by her grandmother and became proficient as a mechanic specializing in automail. It was Winry and her grandmother who created the artificial limbs that Ed wears. Unlike most girls who adore fine jewelry or clothing, Winry has a passion for tools.

Even though the boys left to join the military, Winry keeps in touch. She is always willing to do whatever it takes to help the boys. In fact, in episode 45 one is led to believe that her feelings for Ed may be a little bit more than friendship. Will the series expand on that? Keep watching!!!